Day 152: Being Forgotten

1 Kings 10:1-13 The visit of the Queen of Sheba to Solomon prefigures the visit of the wise men, or kings, to the Christ child, the newborn King of Israel (TYPOLOGY!!)

Ch 10: 14-29 Through wise trade agreements and gift-bearing visitors who came to Jerusalem seeking his wisdom, Solomon accumulated great wealth and possessions.

Ecclesiastes 8:1-8 A man who serves and is obedient to his king can normally expect to have the king’s favor but not necessarily a long life. The purpose of our relationship with God is to achieve a loving friendship with him, and this intimate relationship is made possible through the grace of Baptism, which elevates us to the level of adopted children of God. (CCC 1240, 2716)

Ch 8:9-17 Though justice may be delayed in this life, it usually catches up with the wicked. In the case of an unrepentant sinner, punishment is imparted in the next life. Part of fulfilling God’s plan is to do what is within one’s power to promote a more just society. (CCC 1040, 2255, 2304)

Ch 9:1-10 Though the human intellect can never fully comprehend God and understand his ways, our limited knowledge is sufficient for the realization that he is to be loved above all things. These verses remind the individual that peace in every moment is a function of one’s union with God. Habitual prayer and contemplation are crucial means for a close relationship with God. (CCC 2660, 2699, 2802)

Ch 9:11-18 Misfortune can strike anyone, regardless of his or her material possessions, starting at the individual level. Every person should reflect true wisdom in interactions with others; this effort to deal justly and kindly with others keeps pride and greed under control. This disposition for peace and harmony must extend to both the national and international arena. (CCC 1866, 2534, 2536)

Psalm 8 The rhetorical question posed in this psalm is really an expression of great awe: Why does God, who is eternal and All-powerful, care for the frail and powerless? As St. John Paul II expressed it, “The human person feels almost overwhelmed by the grandeur of creation, ‘the work of your fingers.’...yet on the other hand, God bends down to man and crowns him his viceroy” (St. John Paul II, General Audience, September 24, 2003). The answer is that God, by the very fact that he created us in his own image, with loving attention to every detail, has given us great dignity. With our gifts of intellect and free will, we are charged with dominion over other earthly creatures and are given stewardship of all creation. Sadly, many people abuse their freedom by doing evil and failing to take responsibility for creation and even cause great offenses to the dignity of others through violence, oppression, sin, and neglect. The model of the perfect human is Christ, who came to serve others and to die for our salvation, the supreme act of self-giving love. We are likewise invited to that same kind of heroic love for God and neighbor as we take up our crosses and follow Christ each day. (Cf. St. John Paul II, General Audience, June 26, 2003)

How Majestic: The perfect holiness of God is something we can never fully comprehend due to the limitations of human perception. 

Glory: In Scripture this refers to the radiance of God’s majesty. We get a glimmer of God’s glory by the beauty, harmony, and order created in the world. This appreciation of his glory intensifies even more through his revealed Word and the witness of sanctity of those who love God. God’s glory infinitely surpasses the sum of his wondrous works. (CCC 300, 559, 2160, 2566, 2809)

(*The Didache Bible RSV-CE Ignatius Edition, 2006)

From Wise King to Unfaithful Servant

“When you come to the land which the Lord your God gives you, and you possess it and dwell in it, and then say, ‘I will set a king over me, like all the nations that are around me; you may indeed set as king over you him whom the Lord your God will choose. One from among your brethren you shall set as king over you; you may not put a foreigner over you, who is not your brother. Only he must not multiply horses for himself, or cause the people to return to Egypt in order to multiply horses, since the Lord has said to you, ‘You shall never return that way again.’ And he shall not multiply wives for himself, lest his heart turn away; nor shall he greatly multiply for himself silver and gold. (Dt 17:14-17)

(*Walking With God: A Journey Through The Bible by Tim Gray and Jeff Cavins)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven, you are great and glorious. How majestic is your name? You’ve revealed your name to us which boggles the mind, Lord God, and fills our hearts today. Not only do you have the majestic name, not only do you have the glorified name, but you have revealed your name to us. And you have also revealed what the Psalmist says, what David says, that you can look at the world around us and the universe, the billions upon billions of stars, the space that you’ve created and yet, what is man that you care for him. Who are we that you are mindful of us, that you are constantly attentive to us? And yet you are, God, because you have made us in your image and likeness. And in Christ you have made us your children. And so we just thank you. Thank you so much for being attentive to us. Thank you so much for creating us. Thank you so much for sustaining us and redeeming us. Please receive our thanks this day, Lord, in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Dustin's Insights 

1 Kg. 10:

Eccl. 8:

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Suffering, Martyrdom Places The Church, Sacraments, Divinity Horticultural Imagery People Messianic Kingship Sin, Death, Decay