Day 155: Jesus is Lord

Mark 3:1-6 At first, the scribes and Pharisees questioned in their hearts whether Christ had committed blasphemy by forgiving the paralytic’s sins; later, they confronted him verbally when the disciples picked corn on the sabbath; now, when he healed on the Sabbath, they began to plot against him. (CCC 548, 574, 582, 2173)

Ch 3:4 While one should avoid unnecessary work on the Sabbath, Christ taught that works of mercy ALWAYS supersede the Sabbath rest. (CCC 2173)

Ch 3:5-6 Hardness of heart: Such stubborn refusal to be converted is not morally neutral. To arrive at a point where the truth cannot penetrate one’s heart requires habitual choices of resisting divine invitations to moral and spiritual reform. This hardness of heart is, therefore, the result of choosing various forms of selfishness over deeds of humility and love. (CCC 591, 1859)

Ch 3:7-12 You are the Son of God: The demons know who Christ is, but they are not all-knowing and, lacking charity, do not understand the nature of his salvific mission. (CCC 454)

Ch 3:13-19 In founding his Church, Christ gave it a particular structure that will endure until the end of time. Its hierarchy was to be formed by the Twelve Apostles with Peter as their head. The Greek apostolos means “emissary” or “one who is sent.” The Apostles were chosen to accompany Christ, to participate in his mission, and to receive a share in his authority as they in turn were sent out to preach and heal in his name. Their number is significant: Just as there were twelve tribes of Israel, the Chosen People of God, under the Old Covenant there would be twelve Apostles to lead the Church of the New Covenant that Christ formed as the new People of God. The apostolic ministry of the Twelve is continued today through their successors, the bishops in communion with and under the Pope, the successor of Peter. (CCC 551-552, 765, 858, 1577)

Ch 3:20-30 The crowds who followed Christ to his home left him no time even to eat. He was, therefore, accused even by his friends of being beside himself due to his generosity and heroic dedication to teaching and healing. The scribes descended upon the town and claimed Christ could cast out demons only because he was possessed himself. At that time, there was a belief that a more powerful demon could cast out a less powerful one. Beelzebul was the name of a pagan god whose name the Jews applied to Satan. (CCC 548, 574)

Ch 3:27 Christ explained that he was not the collaborator of the Devil but his conqueror, who “binds the strong man” and takes back what belongs to him. (CCC 539)

Ch 3:29 Christ implicitly stated that his accusers had committed blasphemy by characterizing the work of God as the work of the Devil. This sin is forgivable, but blasphemy against the Holy Spirit-the denial of sin or maintaining a “right” to commit a sinful act to the point of a resolute REFUSAL TO REPENT and the REJECTION OF GOD’S OVERTURES OF MERCY-is not. God’s willingness to forgive is LIMITLESS, but he will not force a person to accept his mercy. (CCC 1864)

Ch 3:31-35 Brethren: This term, in the language spoken by Christ, can refer to cousins or other male relatives (cf. Mt 12:46). Christ was not rejecting his family but rather widening the scope of his spiritual family to include all the faithful people of God. (CCC 500-501)

Ch 4:1-33 Parable: Christ unveiled the mysteries of his kingdom through the use of parables. It was of vital importance that the Apostles understood the meaning of the parables, since they would be the first recipients of the Deposit of Faith. With the images of seeds, Christ taught that the expansion of the kingdom would come from within and overflow in the lives of his followers. (CCC 546, 2607)

The twelve: A common reference in Mark to the Twelve Apostles. 

Ch 4:3-20 The Parable of the Seed and the Sower goes to the heart of each disciple’s reception of the Word of God. The call to discipleship and the gift of faith demand a response if they are to be nurtured and grow. Personal prayer and meditation are means to draw us ever closer to Christ and his Word. Prayer strengthens our faith, solidifies our will for humble obedience to God, and effects an interior conversion of our hearts to Christ. (CCC 1153)

Ch 4:21-25 Being the light of the world involves a close union with Christ, which finds expression in mercy, peace, and love. The heart of Christ should not be hidden through a lukewarm spiritual life. (CCC 89, 298)

Ch 4:26-32 The first parable in this passage shows how the invisible action of the Holy Spirit causes the growth of the Kingdom of God. Over a period of time, the extension of the kingdom becomes quite noticeable. The second parable here expresses how the Kingdom of God, like a mustard seed, starts off very small but grows to mighty proportions, having an effect on the entire world. (CCC 851-854)

Ch 4:33-34 Again the privilege of the disciples to hear the more complete explanation of the parables is affirmed. (CCC 546)

Ch 4:35-41 Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?: The basic lesson of this story is to manifest that Christ is perfect God and perfect man, who can overcome all obstacles. (CCC 1808)

Psalm 20 Only in union with God can we be safe-guarded from sin and the wiles of the Devil. The military allegory of this psalm aptly describes the battles that the faithful must wage against the internal inclination to sin, the attacks of the Evil One, and the world’s hostility and indifference to God’s Laws. The forces of evil are no match for the power of the Lord. Yet, it is intrinsic to Christ’s teachings that his followers seek peace, not war; in practice, we are to respond to those who hurt and revile us with forgiveness and efforts to reconcile. (Cf. St. John Paul II, General Audience, March 10, 2004)

His anointed: Nearly all references in the Psalms to the anointed refer to a king among the Jewish people, but ultimately these references point to the definitive King of Israel, Jesus Christ. The image of “mighty victories” here points to Christ’s victory over sin and death. (CCC 438, 453, 783)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven we give you praise and thanks and we just honor you and love you for the gift of your Son, Jesus, and for the gift of knowing here is His teaching, here is His heart, here is YOUR heart, because He is the Word, the Word of the Father. And when we see Him, we see YOU, Father in Heaven. And so we thank you. We thank you for every one of these moments that we get. We thank you for every one of these clips, these images we have of Jesus here in Mark’s Gospel. Thank you for Mark. Thank you for Peter, who taught Mark this. And thank you for YOU, Lord God, because you are deserving of all things and all praise in everything. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”

Dustin's Insights 

Mk. 3:

Mk. 4:

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