Day 233: Correct Me, O Lord

Jeremiah 10:1-16 Jeremiah described and emphasized that pagan idols were the work of human hands and therefore they remain mute and inanimate, powerless to do anything. Any kind of idolatry is a violation of the belief in one true, all-powerful God. The prose here bears resemblance to parts of the “Letter of Jeremiah'' (cf. Bar 6). (CCC 2112)

Ch 10:17-25 When the people rejected his invitation to conversion, Jeremiah reminded them that the chastisement would begin at any moment. Since invasion was a foregone conclusion, Jeremiah begged for God’s mercy and asked for the destruction of the foreign invaders. 

Ch 11:1-23 The next ten chapters present a mix of prophecies containing wise counsels, biographical details about the prophet’s ministry, and personal disclosures, called “confessions,” addressed to God. The prophecy of the first half of this chapter took place in the late seventh century, around 622 BC, when King Josiah issued his reforms of worship and religious practices in Judah. Priests had recently discovered a long-lost copy of the Law of Moses and brought it to the king, who was greatly disturbed over their transgression of the Law. In response, he bound all the people of Judah to make an oath to repent of their sins and keep the Law, especially in regard to the worship of the one true God. This commitment to reform was broken in short time, and the people returned to their sinful ways of idolatry and other immoral acts. 

Ch 11:4 So shall you be...your God: This is the fundamental truth of the covenants between God and his Chosen People. As the Second Vatican Council taught, in the Church “the plan of God is fulfilled...that the whole human race might form one people of God and be built up into one temple of the Holy Spirit” (Ad Gentes 7). (CCC 758-759)

Ch 11:18-23 In this first of Jeremiah’s confessions, the prophet called upon God to wreak vengeance upon those who rejected his call for conversion, particularly on the priests of Anathoth, who vehemently opposed Jeremiah.

Ch 11:19 A gentle lamb led to the slaughter: This image of the future Messiah has parallels to the Song of the Suffering Servant in Isaiah (cf. 53:7, 12). Christ himself was called the “Lamb of God” (Jn 1:29) since in his Passion and Death he became the perfect Passover Sacrifice that atones for the sins of the world. The Book of Revelation allegorically depicts the heavenly liturgy as the Wedding Feast of the Lamb, which signifies Christ’s union with his Church achieved through his redemptive Sacrifice. (CCC 608)

Ezekiel 40:1-49 The restoration of the people of Israel necessarily involved the restoration of the Temple to its original glory and worship. In a vision Ezekiel measured painstakingly every dimension of the new Temple. The measurements are more symbolic of the presence of God than architectural since it is a building of perfect symmetry. 

(*The Didache Bible RSV-CE Ignatius Edition, 2006)

Prayer by Fr. Mike: “Father in Heaven we give you praise and glory. Thank you so much. Thank you once again for bringing us back to this day, this new day that you’ve given to us, a day where we can receive your Word, a day that we get to, even if we struggled through, gosh, Lord, thank you so much. You continue to speak to us. You continue to call us to yourself. And you continue to call us to repentance. Even in the midst of confusion. Even in the midst of your Word that we don’t necessarily understand and especially in the midst of your Word that we don’t respond to with genuine hearts, with authentic hearts, and with truly repentant hearts. Help us to repent. Help us to turn back to you more and more every single day so that you may be glorified and your people may be sanctified. We ask this in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.”